Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pilliga Converge

During the night I woke up several times to check that the riot squad vehicles were still in the motel car park. They were still there when we drove out to the protest site in Old Mill Road. We were one of the first vehicles to arrive. Two police cars were parked across the road and we were told the road was blocked for a police operation. We turned around and parked on the side of the road. More and more people arrived and parked their cars. A large oval of people formed on the road for a smoking ceremony. After this a meeting was called and it was decided to walk 20 metres into the forest or along the fence to the gates. We followed a bagpiper along a track near the fence where a very nice policeman held back a bush so we could pass.

Banners covered the gate and fence into Santos’ Leewood site. There were several security from Santos and about six police. They were tolerant, polite and courteous, showing none of the aggression I had heard about at other protests in the area. They knew that the protesters had planned to walk onto the site and they were confident that they had thwarted the plan.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pilliga Tour

Pilliga Bore
When I heard that AGL had pulled out of CSG mining at Gloucester, I was determined to join the protests against Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project, the only CSG project awaiting approval in NSW. Common sense dictates that this project should not go ahead as it is located in one of the few recharge areas of the Great Artesian Basin, a vast water resource underlying four states.

I convinced my sister and two friends to join me at a protest to be held at the gates of Santos’ Leewood site. The day prior to the protest I took them on a quick tour of the area, starting on the western side of the Pilliga Forest to Pilliga, the town. My sister insisted on going into the town to see if anything remained of the drive-in theatre that we remembered from our youth. Nothing remained. However, the Pilliga bore was much improved and appeared to be a popular camping spot even in the heat of February.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Pilliga Protest Dates

Kitchen of the Pilliga Push Camp
Free camping Ph: 0499 384 557
Sydney - Every Friday – Protest outside Santos office,  cnr Reiby Place and Pitt Street, near Circular Quay 10.30am – 12.30pm

The Pilliga - 8am Friday 19 February – 5pm Sunday 21 February 2016 – Pilliga Push Converge
The major event is on Sunday 21st February, when hundreds will gather for a peaceful protest in the Pilliga forest. Meet at 9am at Old Mill Road (Dog Fence Road), 22km south of Narrabri, 300m off the highway.  Kids are welcome. Please bring your signs, water, snacks and sun protection. Call 0448 337 072 for further information.

Santos - Friday 19 February – announce full year results

Narrabri - Tuesday 23 February 2016 - Two women charged with resisting arrest will appear before Narrabri Local Court

Narrabri – Saturday 27 February - North West Alliance is holding a planning conference from 10am, opened by Senator Glenn Lazarus.

Pilliga Protest Reasons

The lack of signs in the area is because
they have to be very high up to not get
pulled down
1. The Pilliga State Forest is a critical recharge area of the Great Artesian Basin.

2. Recharge areas provide the pressure head (or weight of water) needed to keep artesian bores flowing to the surface without the aid of pumps. Dewatering aquifers under the GAB will reduce the pressure head and stop the flow of bores and spring water flowing to the surface without the aid of a pump.

3. CSG may contaminate water in aquifers and the Great Artesian Basin which are both used to water stock and supply town water.

4. The steal and cement which plug the wells will corrode over time causing contamination and the water from the GAB to leak into the coal seam below where the gas and water has been removed.

5. The costs of replugging the wells will have to be paid for by future generations.

6. Santos has applied to have 850 gas wells in the Pilliga Sate Forest. All development approvals should cease until -
a. A pending court case is heard over the lack of a proper environmental assessment for this facility.

b. A Bioregional Assessment is completed later this year on the Great Artesian Basin. This is underway in order to better understand the potential impacts of coal seam gas and large coal mining developments on water resources and water-related assets. The Federal Department of the Environment, the Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia are all involved.

Information websites
Great Artesian Basin Protection Group
Pilliga Push – peaceful direct action

Latest news

Monday, February 8, 2016

Action in The Pilliga

Check the Pilliga Push Facebook page for the latest action – so far today – new gate, foul smelling water sprayed over protesters, lock ons, gate opened – what’s going on!!

I visited the Pilliga Push camp yesterday to see and hear what was going on in the Pilliga with Santos’ coal seam gas project. This is the only coal seam gas project left in NSW and is in one of the critical recharge areas of the Great Artesian Basin.

Farmers to the west of Pilliga rely on this to water their stock and towns rely on it for their water supply. Currently water flows to the surface through bores without the aid of a pump but CSG threatens to stop this flow and it may contaminate the water or deplete it.

Therefore some very conservative farmers have been locking onto the gate into the Santos’ property to stop the company from building new infrastructure. When this happens work stops and the police do not come to arrest them. Today new gates were put on the gate with narrow mesh to stop them from locking on.

It is a different story when protesters from the camp do an action. They are first isolated by the police then intimidated, threatened and in some cases harmed. Some of these people are fearless some are fragile but they are doing something that they believe in. The gulf between activist and farmer has been bridged. Farmers are grateful for their continuous efforts. With recent rain the farmers work has increased and they cannot afford to spend the time at the site.

A big action is planned for 19-21 February but in the meantime an action will be on most days. If you have a journalist who likes to camp get them out there for a week or so. The camp is on private land, camping is free and the site is well set up and organised.

Let's stop CSG in NSW.

Information on Pilliga Push
Great Artesian Basin information